Crystalline believes that the future of capital markets will be greatly influenced by global sustainability issues and as stewards of our clients’ funds, we have the responsibility to effectively take into consideration financially material environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors that could impact returns and arbitrage opportunities. In 2022, Crystalline became a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI).
Crystalline’s investment process can be summarized into three foundational steps applied to each strategy of the portfolio: assessment of our investment universe, portfolio construction and monitoring. ESG factors are integrated in different ways at each step of the investment decision-making processes and are adapted for their relevancy for the asset classes and investment time horizon of each strategy, given the unique nature of our various investment strategies.
Please contact us if you want to discuss about our Responsible Investment Policy for a more complete picture of Crystalline’s ESG integration and about our Responsible Investment approach.
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